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How to improve your healthcare institution's communication with the patient in mind?

Expanding your healthcare through Digital Transformation

Communicating with your patients is a fundamental part of ensuring a great experience and Digital Transformation can do a lot to make it effective.

Digital Transformation is already a must for the healthcare world. Today, patients have begun to take responsibility for their wellbeing, redirecting their medical needs to solutions that can be provided from home and taking into account variables that they may not have considered before. Healthcare institutions and centers must be attentive to these changes.

In this sense, the healthcare industry has been adapting the ways of providing medical care. This time, we would like to recommend 3 key actions to optimize communication with your patients through Digital Transformation that will help you increase your effectiveness and quality of service:

  1. Matching medical care to your patient's profile
  2. Offering a patient experience at every step of their health care journey and coverage transition
  3. Achieving the ideal balance between face-to-face and virtual healthcare solutions

1 > Matching medical care to your patient's profile

It is not the same to be a number on a chart as to be seen by name and to be seen by someone who knows my health history. Personalized medical care is about the accumulated knowledge of a patient's journey under our health coverage: their consultations, check-ups, treatments, medication supplies and other wellness resources. Integrating each patient's journey and sharing it at each consultation is key for patients and associates to feel more like people who are under the care of our institution or health center and less like clients who are only contracting a service.

2 > Offering a patient experience at every step of their healthcare journey and transition of coverage

The pandemic brought about reconsiderations about health care and how much each person invests in their coverage. Possibilities range from considering private health insurance to transitioning or perhaps reconsidering one's previous coverage due to changes in the particular economy. Either way, from our healthcare institutions or as medical service providers, we can help and guide patients and associates to make these decisions and offer accompaniment in the transition.

The clearer and more precise the information we provide to the people who consult us, the more chances we have to be chosen for a new service or to give them continuity at the time of making the decision. Satisfaction in the buying experience, easy comparison between plans and services as well as transparency in the costs involved are variables that determine the final decision. 

3 > Achieving the ideal balance between face-to-face and virtual healthcare solutions 

For us, Digital Transformation is the backbone of the services we offer. In this blog, we have mentioned several times the advantage of implementing technology to the processes of your institution or health center and for that digital communication is key. It is an essential part of adapting to the current context, finding the ideal balance between digital and face-to-face patient care. This implies having a clear understanding of the needs of our patients and associates to be able to focus on these requirements the digital adaptation that we implement without neglecting the in-person care that may be requested.

This is a moment that presents a unique opportunity for the healthcare sector. The aim is to be able to amplify and enhance the scope of its services and provide comprehensive and close medical care to its patients and associates.

At SkyMed we specialize in applying technology and methodology so you can implement any or all of these recommendations. Interested? Leave us your details here to coordinate an assessment with our specialists.

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