Are you applying omnichannel or multichannel?

> Fundamental differences that should not be lost sight of

Omnichannel and Multichannel are terms that are often confused. Not only in their definition but also in the implementation of their strategies. To clear up any doubts and be clear about the management that we are offering through our customer service channels, we want to talk about the fundamental differences that you have to take into account.
First of all, let's look at definitions. From its etymology, multichannel refers to "multiple channels" and omnichannel to "all channels". What seems very similar has a structural difference and it is in the synergy that is generated in each channel and therefore in each service process that you offer to your customers. In this sense, each strategy provides a different experience and therefore ends up generating different results.

What to pay attention to? In order not to get confused and know that your strategy is an omnichannel strategy, be sure to pay special attention to these three elements:
1 > Don't let the number of channels cloud integration
Both Omnichannel and Multichannel management involve a variety of customer service channels available to your customers. However, while in Multichannel they work in a particular way, in Omnichannel management the key is the synergy that is generated between all channels. This is what gives the customer what we call Omniexperience.
2 > Customer segmentation
If your business strategy uses customer segmentation, in a multichannel strategy this translates directly into the use of channels for each segment. That is to say, if you cover different age ranges, you may use your messages for young people on platforms such as Instagram and for adults the ideal social network may be Facebook. In Omnichannel management, this distinction of channels does not occur because each one is prepared to receive all the customers you want to reach.
3 > Each channel ready to serve
This is a crucial point of difference: in an omnichannel customer service strategy, channels are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In multichannel management, each channel has its own parameters and functionality. Omnichannel, however, is a guarantee of omnipresence and therefore of absolute availability for the customer.
Be sure to review your customer service strategy and think about whether these points are being met and how they are being implemented.
Is your strategy multi or omnichannel? If you still have doubts or you are interested in learning more, leave us your details here here to coordinate an assessment with one of our representatives.
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